Sunday, February 3, 2013

Samsung Galaxy Note 2 SmartQ Reader - read PDF on Android

Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Android Games

Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Android Games Download

SmartQ Reader - read PDF on Android

SmartQ_PDF_Reader_7.1.1.apk [5.9 MB]

SmartQ Reader - read PDF on Android

The first is to note a great optimization program that can read PDF files quickly and virtually any device running Android. Needless program has a built-in file manager, allowing for all the documents in the desired order or grouping them into different categories. Also in the plus of the program can be written very high quality rendering, maximum zoom without loss of quality, work with links, bookmarks, search availability, the ability to add comments, and more.

SmartQ_PDF_Reader_7.1.1.apk [5.9 MB]


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